M A xx W Cimetière de Bracieux L L

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Next Day

As I left Patrick's office last night, I turned my key in the ignition and Barack Obama's voice filled my car. "We have come so far...but there is so much more to do." He spoke of Ann Nixon Cooper and all that she has seen in her century of being on this earth and wondered what the next century will bring. What change will my niece see? What will Patrick's and my children be able to celebrate? Will bans on gay marriage finally be viewed as a horrible injustice the way we now view racism and slavery? I hope and pray that we continue to work towards building a nation not on hate, but on love.

Once Patrick got back home, we popped open a bottle of champagne and toasted to our new President-Elect and to our future.

Yes we can!

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Barack the Vote!!

I'm so happy to post that Barack Obama is the new President Elect!!! Amazing. Simply amazing. Patrick and I were driving from Flying Saucer back to his office when my Mom called at 10:00pm with the exciting news. I guess NBC had called it because NPR hadn't announced it quite yet. And as we were talking they finally said that the race had been called.

Yay!!! Go Obama!!

Yes We Can!

I'm getting anxious about the outcome tonight but am hoping and praying for the best! If you still haven't voted, get out there before the polls close! What are you waiting for??

The last time I watched this video was back in March, and it still sends a chill down my back and brings a tear to my eye.

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Over the past month and a half Patrick and I started going to a new church that meets in a high school gym. I was a little skeptical at first, but after hearing 4 different people talk about this church and how incredible the pastor is, I really wanted to check it out. It seemed that Patrick and I had been in a rut as far as churches go. We got frustrated with the one that we had been attending, because half of the congregation would leave before the benediction, I'm guessing so that they could beat the traffic out and arrive that much earlier at Chili's. We've checked out a few other churches in the area, but they seem to either be "cotton candy" religion, have horrible music, have no one our age or even under the age of 65, or we just plain felt out of place.

So after a friend from high school, a friend from college, a friend of another friend, and a local photographer all have mentioned attending this church and how amazing it was, I knew that something was happening there and I wanted to find out what that was.

After that first Sunday visiting The Stone, I knew I had found a home. But since Patrick is Catholic and I am Protestant, we don't always seem to agree on these types of things. But this church is different and it's calling us both to build a community here.

They have been renting a meeting space at Austin High for a few years now, but they recently bought a piece of land in a community that is a stone's throw away from Patrick's office. This is a neighborhood that is in desperate need of hope, love, shelter, and a place that could help them get back up on their feet. It's a rough neighborhood, plain and simple, but The Stone is wanting to turn that around and be a church for this city and for this community in particular.

I've never been a part of a church that has their heart broken for people like this. It has always just been a safe, easy place to go on Sundays. But this, this is a whole 'nother animal. And I am completely loving it.


Friday is that last day of early voting so Go Vote!!

The Great Schlep from The Great Schlep on Vimeo.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Hook 'em!

The Golden Hat

What an exciting game! Go Horns!!

Patrick and I got together with some friends for an at-home-version of UT vs OU Weekend. It was a fried food bonanza, highlighted by mimosas (since it was an 11am kickoff) and beer. Fried Pickles, Fried Plaintains, Hot 'n Crunchy Fried Chicken, Fried Okra, Fried Grilled Cheese, Fried Snickers...and despite my body punishing me the rest of the day, all was so yummy! I think this was one of the first times we went to Alamo Drafthouse and only ordered a couple of waters and sodas...we needed a break from all the alcohol and fried goodness.

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Fact Check!

We now have less than a month until our nation elects new leaders. But before you cast your vote, either during early voting or on November 4th, PLEASE go spend some time on Fact Check. There has been so much spin put on every statement that every candidate says and every ad that has been put out there. I've heard a lot of misleading half-truths and without doing a little bit of reading, you could be voting for someone with whom you don't really agree. Be an informed voter, and find out the truth behind the candidates' statements, voting records, health care plans, and visions for our country.

And after doing all your research, sit back and enjoy these videos.

Monday, October 06, 2008

Register to Vote

Today (October 6th) is the last day you can register to vote, at least in the state of Texas. Make sure all your information is in order!!

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Help Save the Boobies!

In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, please check out the Army of Women website, FAQs here. They need women to volunteer for breast cancer research to try to figure out how it starts and how to stop it. It may just be as simple as donating a sample of blood or swabbing your mouth for saliva. So, women of all ages and backgrounds: join me and sign up!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Page is Turned

Three years ago yesterday, Patrick and I exchanged vows, rings, and promised to love each other for the rest of our lives. And I probably will say this each year, but I can't believe how fast it has gone by already.

Happy Anniversary honey! "I will always love you, I will never leave you, I will always take care of you."

In other news, this is where we will be Saturday afternoon:

Can't wait! It's been 6 years since we have been to a game, so I'm so excited to return! If anyone else is going or is tailgating, let me know, we'd love to meet up!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I have started to write so many times about the horror that is the destruction from Hurricane Ike, and each time, I cannot come up with the words to fully describe my shock, hurt, and sympathy for all those who have been affected. From what I have heard from people who have been to the Gulf Coast and to the Golden Triangle area, things are worse than the media is portraying. Entire communities leveled, some with only the slab of concrete left to mark where their homes once were, others not even that.

Patrick's parents still do not have power, and while that is completely inconvenient and frustrating, they are doing OK. I'm so glad they were safe and were not located closer to downtown Houston, or worse, Galveston. Utilities are being worked on around the clock and slowly, lights are coming on and stores are opening up.

I was at Costco yesterday picking up groceries and tears welled up in my eyes when I saw the pile of donations located at the entrance. Peanut butter, water, tuna, diapers, granola bars, canned goods. Around the store, at least every other person had an least one of those items in their cart, and I'm sure that not all of the people buying diapers had a baby waiting for them at home.

On Saturday, a lot of Austin (including me) was annoyed that we didn't get any of the rain that was supposed to come our way. The UT game was postponed which was unfortunate for people flying in from out of town. And people were cursing the blue, sunny, skies. But I would not have traded any of our annoyances for the horrible things that people elsewhere are dealing with. I am so thankful for the roof over my head, the food in my working refrigerator, the job I still have, and my family and friends that are safe.

Friday, August 22, 2008


As much as I am loving watching the Olympics every night till 11pm or 12am, I am so ready for the closing ceremonies. I've barely gotten any sleep over the past two weeks! I seriously love watching all the events, hearing all the Olympians' stories, and cheering on the USA team and many fellow Longhorns. I'm going to miss watching the gymnastics, swimming, diving, beach volleyball and all the others until London 2012.

Monday, August 18, 2008

Giving Thanks

As two of my co-workers had to leave to go be with their parents in a hospital today, I just wanted to thank the Lord that both my parents and Patrick's parents are doing well. For those of you who don't know, Patrick's dad was in the hospital last week for internal bleeding, but was released last Friday once they felt things were under control. I don't believe they ever figured out quite what was going on, but he's doing well now. Please continue to pray for both Mike and Nancy.
We love you!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Chair of My Heritage

After finding out about a little resale shop called Homegirls in Apartment Therapy, Patrick and I spent a Saturday afternoon browsing different shops down Burnet. But we just couldn't stop thinking/talking/lusting after this little "mid-century modern, Danish" chair. We even put it on hold to dream about it for the night. But we knew (Patrick convinced me) that it belonged in our home. And I think the kitties are quite convinced as well.

Chair with back cushion

Chair without back cushion

The Bell Pepper

While waiting in line on opening weekend to see The Dark Knight (which I highly recommend), some friends joined Patrick and I in entering a contest for the FN Dish where you were supposed to send in a picture of an impersonation of the Iron Chef Chairman. Someone you know did end up winning, just check out the end of the slide show and this results page!

Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Locks of Love

After growing my hair out for a couple years, I finally had it long enough so that I could donate to Locks of Love. The ponytail ended up measuring a good 11 inches. And with record breaking heat here in Texas, I'm so glad to have that hair off my neck! Patrick took a couple steps back when he walked into our apartment that night...I guess he was just a bit surprised to see me!


new haircut with Locks of Love ponytail

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Pictures & Books

Our computer at home is literally sitting wide open on the floor with the monitor displaying a bright blue screen saying something about BIOS. So, that means my pictures of L.A., my new Locks of Love haircut, and our "new" chair are still living in my camera. Blah. I guess they'll show up eventually.

Last night, I finished a cute book that I actually ended up giving my Dad for Father's Day. And despite the title of the book, I think it's really a sweet and loving look at parenthood, but specifically about fathers. Written by mothers, fathers, daughters, sons, wives, and husbands - it let me reminisce about childhood and look towards the future of being a parent and a wife of a father. I hope my Dad enjoyed or is enjoying the book as much as I did.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Happy 4th of July! (a week later)

Our 4th of July consisted of Big Love, Californication, lots of walking to Auditorium Shores, throwing some bones with friends, eating fried chicken, lusting after all the puppies in the park, watching fireworks while listening to the Austin Symphony play 1812, and laughing at Patrick returning to the group with a large pink plastic coconut drink. Yay for days off of work!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


I have a confession to make...I am now a Crocs wearer. Now, I was never a huge fan of the original Crocs style....they're ok, really cute on little kids but when they get big for grown ups, not really my style. But I always heard the raves on how comfortable they were and every time I tried them on, I knew it was true but just couldn't bring myself to actually buy them. Then I saw these:

and I wear them all the time and I wore them all over fashion central L.A. and nobody gave me dirty looks. Patrick thinks they are still hideous, but I've gotten so many compliments on them, so maybe he just doesn't know how cool his wife really is.

Thursday, July 03, 2008

New Toy

Our computer has been acting funny ever since I turned it off the other day during a lightning storm. And I haven't been able to download my pictures from the LA trip yet. So, in the meantime I have to tell you about my favorite new toy.

Rachael and Hagan got it for us for Patrick's and my birthday and it's amazing! The Roku is the Netflix TV set top box instant player. So anything that you can instantly watch on Netflix on your computer, we can watch on our TV without having to do some crazy wiring hookup. I've been able to watch Showtime's This American Life (love Ira Glass), some of the 2008 Sundance Film Festival shorts (makes me want to go back) and the first feature film I saw on it was The Business of Being Born (started lots of thinking/discussion.)

I give the Roku two enthusiastic thumbs up!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Back in the ATX

Had lots of fun in L.A. but always good to come home to an amazing husband and two cuddly kitties. Will post a summary of the trip along with some visuals soon, but in the meantime wanted to share some exciting news....

Noooooo....not that.

Tiff's Treats will soon be in North Austin and available to deliver in the area!!! This makes me way too happy. And very reminiscent.

Monday, June 16, 2008

It's been awhile...

It's been over two months since I've written a post. And a lot of things have happened since April, so I'm going to continue my bullet style of last time in no particular order
  • We flew to South Carolina to attend Patrick's cousin's wedding and got to hang out with a lot of family, eat some amazing food, and drink a lot of Newcastle. I definitely want to go back when we have more time to see more than the hotel room and visit the fam out there. Patrick's cousins are amazing people and I would love to spend more time with them and their kids since we rarely see them.
  • For Mothers Day, Patrick and I trekked up to Arlington to spend it with both sets of parents, Laura, Eric & Sophie and some of my extended family. We got to surprise Mamaw (my Mom's mom, the last grandparent for both Patrick and me) with a homemade Trifle, assembled in our hotel room.
  • We did not see the Maxwell/Scott clan in a hotel room for a third weekend in a row.
  • Patrick got a promotion! He's now the Operations Manager, the #2 guy in Austin for his company. So, needless to say, he's been working crazy long hours.
  • My 19 year old cat Lily passed away about a week ago. She lived a very long, good life and will be missed.

Rachael and Lily cuddling quite a few years ago
  • After Lily's passing, and some begging from Rachael, Hagan and Rachael adopted an adorable kitten. Meet Professor Pork Chop! (Now Chloe and Calliope have a cat cousin!)

Professor Pork Chop
  • To celebrate my birthday next Monday, I'm heading out to the West coast to visit Courtney. A week long vacation and I can't wait! It will be so nice to get away for awhile, but I'll definitely be missing Patrick while I'm gone. Although, I'm sure he'll be fine playing a bit of Madden and enjoying some golf.
(Both photos stolen from my Sister)

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Absence, Update & A Plug

I guess I had a lot to say in February and the beginning of March. But I feel like I've been incredibly busy over the past three weeks and haven't had much time to write. So, since I last wrote:
  • Patrick and I have become obsessed/addicted to trying new wines and finding local vendors that sell our favorite Texas wines, thanks to the Hill Country Wine Trail. And now looking foward to the Austin Wine Festival!
  • I traveled up to DFW metro to have some much needed girl time with both Amy and Courtney. And got to see Courtney's great-niece!
  • Easter came and went and for the first time since I was a kid, Patrick and I dyed eggs!
  • Our little niece Sophie turned the ripe old age of 1 year old, and apparently has grown teeth and visited the White House.
  • The kitties became very interested in our storage closet that holds our water heater. Later, I found out we had a "visitor." After waiting a day in hopes that it would find it's own way out with no luck, I had to extract the scared little bat.
***And a plug for my sister: please visit and comment often on the FN Dish. She's the associate producer and we want her to keep that position! If you check out last week's video, you get to see Mr. Tony Bourdain rant on the Food Network - love that clip!

Monday, March 10, 2008


Over the course of two weekends, and driving all over the Hill Country tasting wine, Patrick and I got to see a lot of different wildlife, beautiful plants but most notably, animals you don’t normally see in urban Austin. I see a number of deer driving around the hills of west Austin, but it seems that parts of the Hill Country can pass for Africa. Yes, there are cows, calfs, and Beefmasters but we also saw havalinas, llamas, ostriches, sheep, antelope, and at one point, even zebras. As we were driving around a bend, I looked to my left, across Patrick driving, and noticed some rather large elk-like animals and the only thing I could come up within the two seconds before they went out of sight was, “Stuff over there!” Between the long day of driving and all the wine, I guess my mind was pretty useless at that point.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Winos - Part 3

The continuation of our Wine Trail experience...

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Mandola Estate Winery – We had missed the two wineries in Driftwood the weekend before, so we decided to start off there on Saturday. And to our surprise, our friends Tracy and Brent also decided to start there and also follow the same route as us for the day. So, we met up with them in the tasting room and all four of us got to try out some yummy wines. Patrick and I took away their Canto Felice which was a slightly sweet blend of 5 grape varieties, which tasted so good with the Chocolate covered cranberries paired with it. I just wished we had known that Mandola also had a restaurant at the winery, we just might have to take another trip down to Driftwood to try it out.

Driftwood Vineyards This place was up on a hill which overlooked the rows and rows of grapevines. I would’ve loved to have seen the sun setting from the porch, but since it was about 3 in the afternoon and drizzly, that wasn’t going to happen. The only wine we weren’t too fond of was one of their white. And to be honest, I can’t remember if it was the Chardonnay or the Viognier, but whichever one it was, it tasted like a combination of asparagus and feet. Not good. Their Super Texan, Lone Star Cab, Longhorn Red and Syrah were all tasty, but for something a little different, we ended up bringing home a couple bottles of their Sangria.

Texas Hills Vineyard – By the time we had arrived at Texas Hills, we had visited a number of wineries, but the person guiding us through this sampling was by far the best. And I’m sad that I didn’t write down her name for future visits. She lead us through the list, and even though we were only alotted 5 samples per person, she just kept pouring so that we got to try almost all their wines. They had 3 Cabs where each came from a different vine: a 5 year old vine, a 20 year old vine and a 22 year old vine. I was amazed at the difference 2 years make! We bought the youngest and fruitiest of the three, from the Drew Tallant Vineyard and also the Cinque Vino Rosso, another blended grape wine which has a beautiful peppery finish. Next up is to buy is their Orange Muscato… At this point, we had to say goodbye to Brent and Tracy as they headed over to Fredericksburg and we headed home with a short stop at McReynolds Vineyards.

McReynolds Vineyards – I wasn’t quite sure we had pulled up in the correct place at first. There was a dog barking at our car out front, and I didn’t see a door to enter. We were concentrating so hard on not running over the dog, we didn’t see the construction of the new wine tasting room on our right. So, the McReynolds have a temporary place until the construction is finished. We crowded in there with a few other groups and were handed a number of generous pours by Mr. McReynolds himself while munching on his wife’s homemake brownies. I was a fan of their 2004 Merlot, while Patrick really liked the 2006, so we decided to take home both.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Make Your Vote Count Twice!

This is the first time in my short voting history where I have felt excited that my vote might actually count for something. For a moderate-liberal who usually votes democrat, living in a "red state" usually means that my vote gets thrown aside and forgotten about. And by the time the democratic primaries have made it to Texas, the candidate has already been chosen.

For the first time, I am seeing potential presidential candidates in TV commercials, visiting Texas, and even debating in my town, at my alma mater! Yes, I'm sure this will get old after awhile, but it's nice to finally be considered.

I have never voted in a primary and when I found out that Texas has a "two-step" process, that confused me even more. For those of you in the same boat as I am, check out the below information:

If you want to make sure your vote really counts (in effect, counts twice) for your candidate of choice, you do in fact need to do two things.

What to do:
  1. Cast your vote in the usual way, either by Early Voting or on March 4th
  2. At 7:15 PM on March 4th, after the primaries close, head (back) to your polling place. There, you sign a form that indicates your support for your candidate of choice. You can leave then, or you can stick around and help appoint delegates to the State Senate seat convention.
Special note for Austinites: Our State Senate district, represented by Kirk Watson, is the most powerful Democratic district in the state of Texas; we get eight additional delegates in the caucus portion. That's why it's extra-special important that if you feel very, very strongly about your candidate of choice, you need to get your arse to the caucus, stat. You don't have to for your primary vote to count, but if you want more than just party insiders to do the voting at the caucus, go!

For a more lengthy explanation of the delegate choosing process, go here.

Happy Birthday!

Happy Birthday Patrick! Hopefully, I'll be able to surprise you with a real one someday. I love you!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Lunar Eclipse

I remember sitting on the porch at the Blanton Dormitory my freshman year watching the lunar eclipse with Patrick and some other friends. I was so amazed at the brightness and richness of color that the moon cast off.

Just after 9 pm CST tonight, the moon, the earth and the sun will line up so perfectly that the full moon will turn a gorgeous shade of orangey-red for the last total lunar eclipse until 2010. So, if your somewhere it is not cloudy (unlike Austin), enjoy the view! It's an amazing experience. I'm sad that we won't be able to drag Patrick's telescope out to see it this time.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Funny Valentine

Candied Sweet Potatoes, Asparagus, and Strawberry Chipotle Pork Tenderloin

Our Valentine's evening consisted of a beautifully put together dinner, Shiraz-Syrah from Dry Comal Creek Vineyards and deciding to plop down in front of our TV so that we didn't miss Lost. Perfect evening!

Winos - Part 2

This is all about our second day trip through the Hill Country Wine Trail.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Dry Comal Creek Vineyards – Patrick got the Red Flight and I got the White/Sweet Flight so that we could try 6 of their wines in addition to the sample of the Black Spanish we had. We couldn’t decide on what exactly we wanted to bring home with us, so we got a bottle of the Shiraz/Syrah and the Dry Comal Red. The Dry Comal Red is supposed to be a dual use wine – it goes great with barbecue or spicy foods as well as chocolate, so we can’t wait to put it to the test!

Comfort Cellars We had started a little late on Sunday and after pulling up into the parking lot, we decided that we would rather just keep moving on to the other vineyards. We didn’t feel too adventurous about trying their Jalapeno Wine.

Singing Water Vineyards This was quite a drive, but the scenery was totally worth it. This place focused on merlot the most, which isn’t usually a wine we reach for. But their Sweet Lupe (named for their dog) was wonderful and had a fruity sweetness to it that I’ve never tasted in a merlot before. We learned that MT-TH on the wine barrels mean “Medium Toast with Toasted Heads” which references how long the oak barrels have been toasted and whether the top/bottom are toasted as well.

Sister Creek Vineyards – At Sister Creek, we bought our only white wine of the weekend, the Muscat Reserve. Lightly sparkling, well balanced and I can’t wait to try it with Patrick’s cheesecake.

Thursday, February 14, 2008


We headed out to the Hill Country Wine Lovers Trail which is an annual event for the two weekends around Valentine's Day. We drove from winery to winery tasting flights of wine samples and ended up with bottles to fill our new wine fridge.

After visiting all these places, it's really neat to go into Whole Foods, HEB, or Central Market and see a wine we tasted out on the trail. "Hey, we've been there!"

Here's the first installment of the reviews by day:

Day 1 - Saturday, February 9, 2008
Fredericksburg Winery – It was the first place we went and weren’t too sure what to expect. They had a Dry Pinot Noir and a Sweet Merlot which kind of confused us. We bought the Christmas Trail mulled wine that is served warm. Later, when we went to other places, wineries would kind joke about this winery… “they’re kind of ‘out there’…”

Grape Creek Vineyards – After trying all eleven of their wines, we brought home a bottle of the Black Label Bellissimo which was really brought out by the salsa they paired with it. Beautiful place, but so busy with all the tours. And I'm not sure if it was the crowd or the wine, but I started getting pretty warm at their Black Label bar.

Torre di Pietra Vineyards This was one of our favorite places on Saturday. Very busy due to the tour buses and limos that people had rented, but they had a wide range of wines to choose from and we only got to sample about half of them. We bought a bottle of Red Flirt and would have loved to have gotten a bottle of their Tango Port, but chose not to this early into the trail. We sat outside and enjoyed a couple of sandwiches we brought and played with the friendly vineyard kitty that roamed around.

Becker Vineyards They had so much to choose from but the Zinfindel was by far our favorite here. Beautiful grounds with a lavender field, a tiny cottage, and band on the porch fiddling away.

Woodrose Winery – After a long day of driving and wine tasting, it was nice to sit down here and be served wine restaurant-style instead of standing at a bar. They had a small blues band playing on the deck outside and when we walked out, they were playing our song: At Last by Etta James. There were a couple of wines we liked here but ended up buying the Rosé of Sangiovese for something a little different to add to our growing collection.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Bird Watching

The Kitties love watching Planet Earth on the new TV!

Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Because I Win

Patrick and I have a bit of a competitive streak in our marriage. He likes to win. I like to win. But he really does not like to lose....especially to me. He beats me all the time at trivia games and I don't like it, but I can understand that he stores a lot of useless data in that head of his. Trivial Pursuit, no contest, he gets the full pie before I get two in. Scene It? He guesses "On Golden Pond" before any letters are filled in during the hangman portion. He even beat me at the Friends Scene It game that he got me for Valentine's last year.

There really are only a few things that I have found that I can beat him at consistently: air hockey, miniature golf, and Pente. Pente is a game Patrick used to play as a kid and I finally found the game and got it for him for Christmas. We've played a number of times, and he's won a lot of them, but I have to say, I can kick his ass at Pente.

The way to win is to either a) get 5 stones in a row: horizontally, vertically or diagonally or b) collect 5 pairs of your opponents stones.

I had the amber stones, Patrick had the green. Not only did I get 5 in a row, I got 6!! That's how good I am.

And if you can't tell in the picture above, here's a better view:

I've asked him a couple times since I won that game, if he wants to play again but he always seems to change the subject.

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


Here's your chance to vote for the new standard issue Texas License Plate. Voting is from February 4th - 11th.

My Thoughts on the Designs:
  • My Texas - An updated version of the current plates. Looks ok.
  • Lone Star Texas - Looks so cheesy - kind of like a Nascar hat.
  • New Texas - Not a huge fan of the "composite skyline". Texas is BIG and everything is spread out!
  • Natural Texas - As much as I like all things "Natural", this just looks muddled.
  • Traditional Texas - Simple and to the point. I think this might be my favorite.

Friday, February 01, 2008


Today, I got out my ruler and measured the length of my hair from my chin. 8 inches. Two more inches to go to meet the minimum of 10 inches for Locks of Love. I might want to go longer, but it just depends on how long I can actually stand dealing with long hair. I feel like I've been growing my hair out forever, when in reality, it's only been a conscious decision for the past year or so. A couple of my friends have done it (Amy & Brent) which has inspired me go for the long wait. And even though my hair is not thick by any means and would need another 50 ponytails to make a wig, well, hopefully it will help at least one child.

I'll post pictures of before and after when the cutting day finally comes!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Growing Older

There's a number of things that I didn't like growing up, but now that I'm a semi-adult, I find that it doesn't kill me or may even now like it.

Brown Flexible Fabric Band-Aids: As a young girl, I wanted something that wasn't so drab. Muppets or Disney or even Clear would have been better than brown. But now, because I have the flex, I can type with my index finger just fine! And they seem to last longer than the plastic bandages anyway.

Singing when prompted by a phrase: My mother used to do this constantly, joined by my father at times, and it always drove me nuts, not sure why, exactly. But yes, I do this now that I'm older. Something someone says will remind me of a song and I will break out into a verse until my mother says "You used to hate when I did that!" I think it's just genetic.

NPR: Seriously, what kid wants to listen to talk radio? I wanted to enjoy music in the car, not have the news rehashed, and thankfully, most of the, time my parents obliged and actually liked a lot of the same music as me. But for some reason, I seem to be tuning into NPR pretty frequently now. Fresh Air with Terry Gross has been my daily entertainment while running to the bank for work and I'm actually enjoying the following of the campaign trail.

Monday, January 14, 2008


Patrick and I finally watched Michael Moore's documentary Sicko this weekend. Now I want to move to England or France or Norway or Canada, pretty much anywhere but stay here in the US. Patrick said, "I keep telling you, Toronto is the place to be!" I just don't know if I could handle the cold. I do have some reservations on Universal Health Care, mainly the tax burden of it. But when the United States is being listed as number 37 on the World Health Organization's ranking of the world's health systems, I have to give my reservations a second thought.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Christmas 2007

I have finally uploaded all my pictures from Christmas. I didn't take many this year, and those that I did are mostly of our baby niece.

Patrick and I talked about what a great Christmas we had this year. I was determined to have all our Christmas shopping done early, which was both easier and harder this time around. Harder, since we didn't start till after Thanksgiving. Easier, since we finally set a pretty strict budget instead of like years past where one of us would say "oh, I want to get this other thing for so-and-so...." and the so-called budget kept ballooning. We really wanted this year to be about spending time with our families and that's exactly what it turned out to be instead of the usual running around, crazy, trying to get things done . We wanted to spend time with our New Yorker sisters (et al.) since we only get to see them once or twice a year. And I wanted to squeeze Sophie as much as possible because the next time we see her, she'll have doubled in size.