New Addition to our Family...
After about a two weeks of looking online, going to animal shelters and visiting a dozen Petsmarts in three or four cities, 3 counties and the state of Texas, Patrick and I finally found another cat that we can adopt. It seems that every time we found one that we liked and seemed interested in us, they were either already adopted or about to be by someone else. Until we came across this little "blue" and white skinny kitty.
She's about 6-7 months old and so sweet.
We get to pick her up tomorrow evening after she's spayed. This will be an interesting few days getting the two kitties aquainted.The shelter is calling her Maxine, but I think Maxine Maxwell is just a little too much. Got any suggestions?
What an adorable kittie--I love her already. What a cutie!!
Good luck with getting them used to each other. An old trick is a little baby powder on each of their behinds. Don't know why this works but I tried it. It wasn't a miracle but it didn't enrage them at least!! Enjoy, Enjoy!!
By the way, maxmom is Patrick's mom.
Nancy's right - you just want to pick her up and give her a squeeze. First thought for a name: Smoky
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