M A xx W Cimetière de Bracieux L L

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Entering into the World of Blog

So after reading so many of our friends and family's blogs, we figured it was time for us to start one. Well, I (Ruth Ann) figured it was time. Patrick seems pretty blase about it. I probably could've used this outlet during the hectic time of wedding planning, but I was probably just too busy. Three months later, after all the anticipation of walking down the aisle has finally passed and no one claps when we walk into the room, it is time to write. I am not exactly sure what we will write about. I am sure eventually, it will be about our children's first steps and their first days of school, but for now it will be about our first years together as a married couple, living with a crazy 1 1/2 year old cat who is about to get a younger sister or brother. I apologize ahead of time for the amount of pictures we will post of the new kitten and the original Calliope Cat - we can get pretty obsessed. And hopefully, we won't bore you too much!

Signing off for now to actually do some work at my job.....

Ruth Ann Maxwell

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