M A xx W Cimetière de Bracieux L L

Thursday, February 12, 2009

What's in a Name?

R Educational Block U t- H A N N

Growing up, I have never had 7 people in one of my classes with the same name is me. When someone called out "Ruth Ann", I knew that they were trying to get my attention and not the person next to me.

So, when my hairstylist asked if my husband had come in the day before for a cut, you can imagine my confusion, because if you haven't seen Patrick in a few years, well, he shaves his head. After showing Jim (my stylist) a picture of the two of us, he shook his head and confirmed that No, that wasn't him. But mystery guy had a wife named Ruth Ann, so he thought what were the odds that is wasn't me?

And when I heard two girls sitting in front of me at church say my name, Patrick and I looked at each other with confused looks wondering if we heard correctly. I started studying their facing, wondering if I had met them before. Then, that point in the service came where we greeted the people around us and they laughed when I said my name because it was the same as their roommate.

It's always interesting when I meet someone with my name or has a friend/relative with my name. That is, unless it's their grandma or great aunt. But, either way, I always get a reaction!

1 comment:

Brandi said...

Rest assured that in our travels since TX I have not met one single Ruth Ann. You are still my only Ruth Ann ;o)