M A xx W Cimetière de Bracieux L L

Monday, January 26, 2009

The New Year

A new year has rolled in since the last time I posted. A New Year, a New President(!!!) and LOST is back on TV. So far, so good.

We spent the weekend in Houston, getting to celebrate the marriage of two of our friends. "A great story of perseverance," is one of the quotes I heard describing the groom's courting of his bride. They were beautiful, and we had fun toasting to the new married couple. Lots of dancing with little kiddos and skirting questions of our future little ones.

I wish I could show off the beautiful bride, or the happy groom, or the adorable kids our friends have, but unfortunately, I learned a crappy lesson this weekend. Don't go 6 months without backing up any of your photos, because Murphy's Law states, "Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong." It may not be immediate, but eventually, Murphy will catch up with you. Someone picked up our camera with way too many pictures stored on it. Hopefully it was an accident and it will be returned soon, but I have a sinking feeling that our fun little Casio is long gone. I guess we'll find out in the next few days.

I've signed up to volunteer with SXSW for the first time and tonight I'm heading down to the volunteer call to see what positions are still available. So, we'll see....it's been 5 years since I've worked a festival and I don't know if anything can live up to Sundance, or Cannes before that, but I'm looking forward to being around the artsy types again.

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