M A xx W Cimetière de Bracieux L L

Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Nutty Brown, Trash, and Family

A couple of weeks ago, Patrick and I went with some friends to the Nutty Brown Cafe to eat and watch Monte Montgomery show. Good times, good times.

Tracy and Brent

Awww...Chris and Brandi

Tracy's bellybutton violated by Brandi's finger

Ruth Ann, Brandi, Tracy

Patrick fairly successfully dodged the camera that night.

The next day, we all dragged ourselves out of bed early to pick up trash on the cliffs by the 360 bridge as part of Austin Clean Sweep. We had 9 people who picked up 15 bags of trash in just 2 hours. Beer bottles, cigarette butts, wrappers, and even a couple of uniform shirts. Its amazing what people will just toss on the ground instead of in a trash can. How lazy can people be?

My parents came in town that afternoon and we spent our time eating, watching IMAX's Roving Mars (while listening to Patrick's and my Dad's commentary), listening to stories at NPR's StoryCorp Airstream and spending time outdoors since it was one of the most beautiful weekends we've had so far.

My Dad meditating?

What an amazing view

Mom and Dad Knudsen

(pictures taken where we picked up trash the day before)


Anonymous said...

Yay! I love it! Boy do Ilook like thslacker now. I'll get my pictures to ya'll by the end of the week ;o)
I am so glad we all got to go to Nutty Brown- I had a blast and we definitely need to do it again.
P.S. I have some pictures of Patrick!!!

Anonymous said...

Yay! I love it! Boy do I look like the slacker now. I'll get my pictures to ya'll by the end of the week ;o)
I am so glad we all got to go to Nutty Brown- I had a blast and we definitely need to do it again.
P.S. I have some pictures of Patrick!!!

Anonymous said...

Ut oh- I left two comments accidentally- oops. I guess now this makes 3...

Anonymous said...

Yay is right!! That was so much fun and I LOVE the pictures! I'm pretty sure my belly button will never be the same. I can't wait to see slacker's pictures too!

Thanks for the cute picture of Brent and I! I've decided I need more good pictures of us. For some reason in pictures of us I'm always smiling and looking at the camera and he's always doing something goofy and making funny faces. Apparently we're both hams, but have opposite problems. Hehehe.