M A xx W Cimetière de Bracieux L L

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

The Next Day

As I left Patrick's office last night, I turned my key in the ignition and Barack Obama's voice filled my car. "We have come so far...but there is so much more to do." He spoke of Ann Nixon Cooper and all that she has seen in her century of being on this earth and wondered what the next century will bring. What change will my niece see? What will Patrick's and my children be able to celebrate? Will bans on gay marriage finally be viewed as a horrible injustice the way we now view racism and slavery? I hope and pray that we continue to work towards building a nation not on hate, but on love.

Once Patrick got back home, we popped open a bottle of champagne and toasted to our new President-Elect and to our future.

Yes we can!

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