M A xx W Cimetière de Bracieux L L

Friday, October 19, 2007

The Table

A few weeks ago, Patrick and I finally finished a 3 year project. We found, that it can really be difficult to stain a table when you don't have a dedicated space to do it, which in turn, made it take so damn long to complete. We needed enough time to sand the wood, condition it, stain it, then let it dry till it wasn't tacky anymore. Otherwise, kitty hairs get stuck in the stain. Not good.

And we had to do all this in front of our apartment door. You know, where the tarantula was from yesterday? I don't think our neighbors liked us too much on staining days.

Also, it seemed like there was a very small window in which we were able to stain the table.
  • Can't be too hot, or we would sweat on the table.
  • Can't be too humid, or the stuff would never dry.
  • Can't be too cold, or our hands would freeze up (but like it really gets that cold in Austin.)
  • Can't be out of town.
  • Can't work on it inside, or the furry animals would have a race on it.
But now the table is done!! All rejoice and be glad!

Overhead of Finished Table

Closeup of Finished Table

1 comment:

Maxmom said...

That REALLY looks good!! Sounds like you hung in there and got the job done!! Congrats and enjoy!!

Lots of love . . .