M A xx W Cimetière de Bracieux L L

Monday, July 23, 2007

Still Reading...

On Friday, Patrick accompanied me to the midnight release of the new Harry Potter. He said if anyone asks, he's just going to hold up his left hand and point to the ring. I wasn't planning on staying up all night reading the book or even reading the whole thing over the course of the weekend. I figured since this was the last book of the series and probably the most hyped book ever to be released to date, I wanted to attend one of the midnight parties. We didn't get dressed up or even participate in any of the games (HP bingo) or debates (Snape: Friend or Foe?), we mostly people watched which is one of our favorite things to do in large groups of people we don't know. And with this group of people, like any other fanatical crowd, it was pretty entertaining. Although, by the end of the night, I was ready for an end to the caped kids running around swishing their sound-making-wands and calling out Avada Kedavra to anyone in their way.

So, this weekend, I finished up the last few chapters of my re-read of the Half Blood Prince then started on Deathly Hallows. I'm not even close to being done at this point and part of me wants to take my time reading this one, since I know another will not follow. But on the other hand, I can barely put it down, because as soon as I finish one chapter, I want to find out what happens next and end up staying up till midnight reading.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I finished at 1am this morning. It was awesome. It is REALLY hard to put down the last few chapters.