M A xx W Cimetière de Bracieux L L

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

About a month ago, Patrick and I got the opportunity to go watch Roger Clemens pitch for the Round Rock Express.

Roger Clemens warming up
(if you look close enough, you might see Matthew McConaughey and Lance Armstrong)

As soon as it was announced that he would be playing baseball with our local AA team, Patrick sent me on an online quest to purchase tickets. But it seems like every other wife was on that same mission from their husbands because the site kept crashing and it took me hours to be able to successfully get through the process of buying our tickets. We ended up sitting on the "Berm" but Patrick camped out so that we could get right up front.

I'm sure he was explaining something to me at the time

And so we were able to heckle the outfielder who was nice enough to throw a ball into the crowd but mistakenly hit a woman in the head who wasn't paying attention. Oops!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So wait- it wasn't a band?