M A xx W Cimetière de Bracieux L L

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Woo Hoo!

"One sister down, one sister to go!" That's what I told my sister after finding out that Laura, Eric and Sophie were officially moving to Austin. Patrick's and my 5-10 year plan for all of our loved ones to be in Austin is slowly starting to take shape!

It's been quite awhile since we've lived in the same city as immediate family, so I'm a bit curious how often we will get to see each other. I wonder what we'll do for the holidays and if we'll be traveling as much as we used to. But I guess that's what marriage is all about: family and compromise.

So, after living in Brooklyn for the past decade, they are making the leap and setting up shop down here. It's always been something we've wistfully talked about, so I don't think it has still quite sunk in yet. And still a small part of me says, I'll believe it when I see it. But I have faith and we are beyond excited! I am so excited to have them here because I've always wanted to have a closer relationship with them, to actually know them. To see them more than a couple times a year. To have our niece recognize me and know me by name when I scoop her up, instead of "who is this crazy lady holding me?" To babysit Sophie so Laura & Eric can have a night out. To be able to meet for happy hour after work or brunch on the weekend. So, yeah we are pretty darn excited and can't wait!

From New York Trip - Sophie's Birthday
Can't wait to see this face (and her parents') more often!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Going to the Chapel....

This weekend, Patrick and I got to witness an old friend marry a beautiful, intelligent, and funny young woman, who has also become a good friend to us. We've always hoped that Jake would find a good woman that appreciated him as much as we do, and I think he got that and more.

The first time we met Jill, they had met us at Salt Lick for dinner about four years ago, and we were blown away. "This girl is gorgeous! How did Jake land her?" Not that Jake isn't wonderfully adorable, but this girl, this young woman, looked like she walked right off of a magazine photo shoot. Plus she's extremely smart, and at the time was excited to be heading to UT to become an engineer. At the end of our double date, Jill and I were talking about 10 feet away from Patrick and Jake, who were standing by our car, also talking. And Jill and I heard an extremely loud "WHAT?!?" Evidently, Jake was telling Patrick about the first time he asked Jill out and she said yes. The "What?!?" was his inner dialogue, surprised at her answer.

The wedding was gorgeous, the food was great, beer was enjoyed by all, and the bride looked amazing. I am so excited for Jake and Jill and can't wait to see what the future has in store for them!

Friday, April 17, 2009

It's Friday and rainy and all I want to do is be home curled up on my couch watching a movie with Patrick. I haven't seen him much this week, or the past few months for that matter. He's been working like crazy. And every time they are able to bring on someone full time to help out, another person leaves. He's in San Antonio one day, Temple the next, and is rarely ever home before I'm getting ready for bed, much less in time for dinner.

Over the past two weeks, I saw glimpses of how things could be if he worked a regular 8-5 job. Actually getting to see him in the light of day instead of kissing him hello or goodbye while half asleep. But then, the next day it goes right back. I'm praying that things will change soon, because I don't know how much more I can take of seeing him only on the weekends.

This week has dragged on long enough and I'm ready to relax with some friends at happy hour with a margarita or two.

Tuesday, April 07, 2009


Facebook seems to have replaced my blogging. But I miss writing, so I'm going to try to ramp up over here.

In February, we celebrated Patrick's last birthday of his twenties by sending him off with a couple of our guy friends to play some golf while I attended a baby shower. Lots of golf balls were lost and lots of onesies were unwrapped. We then headed down to New Braunfels for dinner at The Gristmill and a Bob Schneider show at the historic Gruene Hall. And as excited as I was to finally get to see a show there, I don't know if I'll ever go back. I guess I'm spoiled by Austin's no smoking laws.

Early in March, after hearing some horribly sad news about a friend, a couple friends and I decided to take a self defense course. I had always wanted to learn how to defend myself in case something should happen, but it wasn't until Sabrina's death that I finally took the step to doing so, she was my catalyst. I still can't imagine what her close friends, family and husband went through and are still dealing with. I didn't take the class just for myself, but also in her honor.
From R.A.D.

Because of some crazy coincedence, we got to spend the last two weekends in March with my sister and her boyfriend Hagan. They came down here for a wedding and then a few days later, we went up to New York to celebrate our niece's 2nd birthday. That's probably the most time I've spent with Rachael since I lived in Arlington! I really enjoyed it and I'm loving that our relationship has grown into friendship instead of just being familial.

We got a behind-the-scenes tour of Food Network courtesy of Rachael, watched our good friend Emily knock a plant over, spied on Guy Fieri preparing for a taping, and ate some of the best food at Tom Colicchio's Halfsteak at Craftsteak. Lots of wine, food and catching up seems to make up most of our time in The City.
From New York Trip - Food Network

Our good friends Brandi and Chris, trekked down to the Big Apple with their one year old in tow to meet us while we were on their side of the country. Pizza, subway rides, bagels and dinosaurs later, we had to bid farewell. It was so good to see them and I'm hoping that another two years don't pass before it happens again.
From New York Trip - Brandi, Chris & Austin

The last day we were in New York, we got to dancey dance with our niece Sophie, a few of her best two year old friends and a bunch of their respective adults. We ate sweet-and-salty cupcakes that I am still craving and laughed at the the adorableness that are two year olds.
From New York Trip - Sophie's Birthday

I hope that I get to see more of our New York families and friends in the near future. Patrick and I do have a 5-10 year plan to have everyone living here in Austin. Just so you know!